Our language translation service is designed to assist individuals and organizations in translating a wide range of documents and materials from Arabic, Chinese, German, Korean, Spanish, Japanese, Telegu, and Hindi into English. Our experienced translators are native speakers of both the source and target languages and have a deep understanding of the nuances and subtleties of language and culture. We can assist you in translating academic papers, research reports, business documents, marketing materials, and other types of content with accuracy, clarity, and cultural sensitivity. Our language translation service can help you overcome language barriers and reach a wider audience with your message. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with your language translation needs.
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تم تقييم الأهلية والحصول على الموافقة. أكمل طبيب الأورام المعالج استبيانًا ، قبل الحصول على خزعة من آفة منتشرة ، لتحديد خطة العلاج وتاريخ البدء المقترح. بمجرد توفر نتائج الخزعة ، تم مسح أطباء الأورام مرة أخرى لتحديد ما إذا كانت خطة العلاج الخاصة بهم قد تغيرت بناءً على نتائج الخزعة ولتحديد تاريخ البدء الفعلي للعلاج. تم تقييم معدل النجاح الإجرائي على أنه عدد الفحوصات النسيجية المرضية المتطابقة للورم الأولي والنقائل كنسبة من الخزعات التي أجريت. تم تقييم تأخير العلاج على أنه المدة بين تاريخ بدء العلاج المقترح والفعلي. تم تقييم رضا المريض باستخدام الاستبيانات ، والتي تم إعطاؤها لجميع النساء بالتراضي في وقت متابعة العيادة ؛ هذه الآثار السلبية المقيمة الناتجة عن إجراء الخزعة والاستعداد للتوصية بأخذ خزعة من النقيلي لنساء أخريات
Eligibility was assessed and consent obtained. The treating oncologist completed a questionnaire, before obtaining a biopsy from a metastatic lesion, to determine their treatment plan and the proposed start date. Once biopsy results were available, oncologists were again surveyed to determine whether their treatment plan had changed based on the biopsy results and to determine the actual start date of treatment. Procedural success rate was assessed as the number of matched histopathologic examinations of primary and metastasis as a proportion of biopsies undertaken. Delay of therapy was evaluated as the duration between the proposed and actual treatment start dates. Patient satisfaction was assessed using questionnaires, which were administered to all consenting women at the time of clinic follow-up; these evaluated adverse effects resulting from the biopsy procedure and willingness to recommend metastatic biopsy to other women
In addition to our standard translation service, we provide free formatting, grammar check, and one round of free editing for all translated documents. This means that we will make sure that your document is properly formatted and all grammar errors are corrected before delivery. Furthermore, we will provide one round of editing after the translation is complete to ensure that the translated content is accurate and conveys the intended meaning. We understand the importance of quality in translations and are committed to providing you with a final product that meets your expectations. Our additional services are designed to provide you with peace of mind and save you time in the editing process. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or if you would like to discuss your translation needs.
We will use both American English and British English styles. You can select your preferred language style.