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Modify your research into a diagrammatic representation

Research Infographics

Our Essential Infographic Creation Service is perfect for researchers with a clear idea for their infographic, but a lack of time or experience for creating the finished design. This is a great way to engage your audience if you already know what sort of imagery and message you want to convey. From your rough sketch, we can produce a high-quality, line-drawn graphic that will help improve engagement with your research. Our Premium infographic service is for researchers who want to collaborate with a graphic designer to bring their paper, article or thesis to life with a high-quality, visually engaging infographic. It can be created to meet the guidelines of your target journal.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What should be included in a research infographic?

Your research infographic will typically include: a title and short description, background, research questions, methods, results and findings, conclusions and references.

Who will develop my research infographics?

It will be done by our graphical designer team with help of technical experts who is specialized in the field.

Why infographics are so effective?

Visual information is processed far more efficiently by our brains than textual information.