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How to find the relevant journal for publication

How to find the relevant journal for publication

The fact that research articles do not match with the journal’s objectives and scope, as well as the requirements and preferences of its readership, is one of the most frequent reasons editors reject research manuscripts. Finding the suitable journal for your research paper can be challenging given that there are approximately 28,000 scholarly reviewed publications available.  Choosing the right journal to publish your journal paper can be difficult if this is your first time.  Numerous authors submit their works to the incorrect journals, which leads to their rejection. Therefore, selecting the appropriate journal increases the chances of your article being accepted. Before you choose a journal, make sure you send it to a reputable journal editing service to have any mistakes, factual inaccuracies, and the general structure of your journal paper corrected.

Important tips before choosing a journal:

  • Read or download Guide for Authors
  • Collect a list of journals publishing research similar to yours
  • Check the impact factor and indexing of the journal
  • Read previously published articles in your target journals
  • Analyse the type of articles published by the journal
  • Check if the journal is invitation-only as some journals will only accept articles after inviting the author
  • Submit your paper to only one journal at the time
  • Check the journal performance for the review and publication timelines

Importance of publication

The phrase “publish” may be familiar to you because a researcher’s reputation and career are frequently contingent on their ability to produce articles. But it doesn’t imply you should seize the first chance that presents itself. There are numerous factors to consider when submitting an article to a journal, including the goals, scope, values, and ethical conduct. Whether you’re submitting a paper or an article, choose the right publication is just as crucial. Consider all the advice given above when you select the ideal journal for you.


Submitting a manuscript to the wrong journal is a typical blunder that might result in the article being rejected before peer review. The likelihood of the article being accepted rises when you choose an appropriate journal.  Once you’ve chosen the journal you believe is the best fit for your research and your objectives, it’s usually a good idea to choose your second- and third-choice publications. In that way, if your first-choice publication rejects your work, you can immediately submit it to your second-choice journal.